When Lucy was born she couldn’t move anything but her head. After being told by doctors in our area that they couldn’t start treatment on her legs until she was 18 months to 2 years old, we were determined to find another opinion. Thankfully we found Dr. Feldman and his therapy team.
Lucy arrived at The Paley Institute when she was 4 months old. Her legs were stuck bent at the knees, she had clubbed feet, clubbed hands, and couldn’t bend her arms. She had serial casting, a tenotomy, serial splinting, and daily physical and occupational therapy. Her therapy included e-stim and astym.
After her treatment, her legs were unstuck! We could put clothes with legs on her for the first time! She could kick her legs! She started moving her arms! And most recently Lucy stood for the first time by herself with the help of her HKAFO’s. We are forever grateful for The Paley Institute and can’t wait for Dr. Feldman to perform her leg surgery in the future to begin her journey of walking!