Hi, my name is Stephanie and at a very young age I was diagnosed with scoliosis. My scoliosis progressively got worst the more I was growing. My parents took me to see Dr. Feldman when I was twelve years old in 2011; he told us that surgery would be the best answer. It was an extremely scary thought of me having surgery but Dr. Feldman and Ella reassured us and made us feel comfortable and helped us cope with what was coming our way.
We scheduled a date for the surgery on February 29th 2012, two days after my birthday. Dr. Feldman and Ella were constantly checking up on us to see how we were doing and they were very helpful in answering all of our questions and putting our mind at ease. The day crept up on us and I wasn’t sure if I was mentally prepared for it. Dr. Feldman prepped me for surgery but also was putting a smile on my face, all of the nurses were talking to me and making me feel comfortable, putting my nerves at ease.
I hugged and kissed my mom, brother and sister took a death breath and walked into this big room with my dad. It was very cold but they put a blanket on me and were talking to me the whole time. The anesthesiologist laid me down on a bed and let me hold my dads hand the whole time. She then started asking me what I had gotten for my thirteenth birthday. The next thing I know my dad and mom were standing over me, I asked them if it was over ad they said I did it and its all over. Just like that, it was all over. The anesthesia made me extremely tired so I slept a lot and don’t remember much. But when I did wake up they had me get out of bed within 24 hours and do simple things, like sit in a chair. It wasn’t easy but the nurses, PT and OT helped me and made me feel as comfortable as possible.
Six days after surgery I was walking and on my way home. I couldn’t thank all of the nurses, Ella and especially Dr. Feldman enough. Even after surgery they kept in contact and were checking up on me, after a months later and a couple doctors appointments Dr. Feldman said I was all good to go. I am so glad I had this surgery, they forever changed my life. Any type of surgery is a scary experience for the child and parent, but trust me you won’t regret it.